Maria Debiec-Rychter(1), Wojciech Biernat(2), Janusz Limon(3), Radzislaw Kordek(2), Ewa Izycka(4), Jolanta Borowska-Lehman(4), Brunon Imielinski(5), Pawel P.Liberski(1)

Cytogenetic and Proliferate Potentials in Meningiomas*

1)Laboratory of Tumor Biology,
2)Department of Tumor Pathology, Chair of Oncology, University Medical School, Lodz,
3)Department of Biology and Genetics,
4)Department of Pathology,
5)Department of Neurosurgery, University Medical School, Gdansk


Cytogenetic analysis and Ki-67 staining index (SI) were performed on the series of 51 meningiomas, to estimate the relationship between the extent of chromosomal changes and the growth potential of tumors. The tumors were classified according to histological subtype (22 meningiotheliomatous, 15 transitional, 12 fibroblastic and 2 angiomatous) and grade (40 benign, 5 atypical and 6 malignant ones). There was no significant difference in the complexity of chromosomal changes among the histologically distinct tumor subtypes. In contrast, there was a significant association between the number of chromosomal abnormalities and tumor grade. Normal karyotypes were found in 50% and complex in 20% of benign tumors. All grade II or III tumors revealed complex karyotype. The tumors classified as benign revealed significantly lower mean Ki-67 SI than atypical or malignant ones (1.6%, 7.4% and 14.7%, respectively). However, within tumors classified as benign, mean Ki-67 SI of these with normal or simple karyotypic changes did not differ significantly from those with complex karyotype (1.6% and 0.9% respectively). Thus, the extent of genome abnormalities in meningiomas, measured on the chromosomal level, does not relate directly to their proliferative potential.

Address for correspondence and reprint requests to:
M. Debiec-Rychter M. D.,
Chair of Oncology,
Paderewski 4, 93-509 Lodz

* This work was supported by grant from the State Committee on Research and Foundation of Polish Science.